Discrimination means treating some people differently from others. It isn't always unlawful - after all, people are paid different wages depending on their status and skills. However, there are certain reasons that your employer can't discriminate against you for.
Discrimination happens when an employer treats one employee less favourably than others. It could mean a female employee being paid less than a male colleague for doing the same job, or a minority ethnic employee being refused the training opportunities offered to white colleagues.
You can’t be discriminated against because of your: gender, marital status, gender, reassignment, pregnancy, sexual orientation, disability,race, colour,
ethnic background, nationality, religion or belief and age.
Your employer also can’t dismiss you or treat you less favourably than other workers because you: work part time or if you are on a fixed-term contract.
I think the discrimination at the job is really bad , all people deserve have the same opportunities, is sad think maybe one day we can be discriminated at the job for one of that reasons.
Discrimination at work:http://www.advicenow.org.uk/advicenow-guides/work/discrimination-at-work/
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