See the chart below:

These movements to Portugal started in the 90s, and the main countries which people came from were and still being Brazil and African people from the ex-Portuguese colonies.
The newest movements are from the east Europe (Ukrain, Romania..) and an Asiatic country - China.
-What I'm going to say next doesn't appear on the chart-
Obviously, it is not only people looking for better life conditions that come to Portugal but also people from richer countries such as Spain, The UK, The Netherlands and Germany. Usually the Dutch, British, German look for a better quality of life but not for economic purposes, just to find warmer weather, more security and they live in rich places, the Spanish is a bit different because they come to work as Medical Doctors, nurses etc..
click on the image to see it larger
That graphic show us that our country has a lot of people naturalised Portuguese from every continent.
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